About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Foul Pitch

Yesterday afternoon my work call was cancelled, affording me some unexpected free time. As soon as Scott came home from his meetings we quickly changed into our swimsuits and headed to the pool. With the ambient temperature in the high 90s for the 4th straight day, the water temperature warmed to a delightful 85 degrees. Even Scott, who is reluctant to getting into chilly water, happily hopped into the pool to play.

Forgoing the baby splash pad, Timmy happily joined us in the "big kid" pool. He excitedly kicked and paddled after his brother, desperate to stay in the thick of the action. Obviously Scott or I were always within arms reach of him at all times but we allowed him to kick and paddle on his own.  With the help of his life vest, he is becoming quite an adept water navigator. 

We were having a perfect afternoon. Everybody was having a fantastic time, nobody was throwing a fit and the weather and water were both ideal. Then a large plastic torpedo toy flew in the center of my nose.

After the numbing pain subsided, I managed to understand what happened. Robby, who is not known for his athletic prowess, was attempting to throw the torpedo to his Daddy who was positioned about 10 feet away from me to the left. Despite aiming for Scott, the torpedo flew straight into my face. It was a direct hit. In fact, if he were aiming for me, it would have been a perfect throw. Of course if he were aiming for me, I would have been prepared and not playing splash tag with Timmy. 

We were forced to leave the pool shortly after the torpedo attack. Robby was upset, and I was in pain. I know that Robby did not throw the missile at my nose on purpose. Not only would he never try to hurt me, but I also know that of he was aiming for my nose he never would have made contact. 

My nose still hurts. It's swollen, and my eyes are black and blue. I'm really hoping that it isn't broken, but a doctor won't be able to do anything at this point and it is not crooked! All will be well.  My eyes will just match the purple streaks in my hair for a few days. 

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